This is Kathy's Birthday present. Memories of a Christmas tradition with the Cornman family.
This is Kathy's neice, Morgan. She is showing off her unicorn she got for Christmas.
This is Kathy posing with the fireplace/heater her Dad got for us.
I say good ridden to 2009 because there were many ups and downs, although toward the end it felt like more downs than ups. Kathy’s mother passed away toward the end of June and everyone is trying to get adjusted to what will be the new normal in the family. Fortunately she was very much about keeping the family together, so that is what is we are doing, sticking together. As if that was not enough, in December we found out that Kathy’s father has cancer in his bladder. His treatments are going well, and the prognosis is very positive, so that is a good thing.
Still, let’s hope the bad news goes away with the year 2009.
We booked plane tickets for London and Paris the other day for our spring break in April. We have about 11 days off all together so we are planning on spending most of it in another continent. We are busy making plans to take advantage of every second we have there.
Welcome 2010.