*Riding the 'Kit' Big Wheel on the front sidewalk.
*Putting up this huge tent in the back yard and playing for hours, never actually getting the courage to sleep in it overnight.
*These brown and white striped cushions that we would jump on and play with in various ways for most of my childhood.
* Making forts with the couch cushions and blankets.
*Playing Barbies and using the encyclopedias to make her house (ok, her manshion).
*My Mom breaking the chair when she was pregnant with Jamie.
*The Scoobie Doo camera.
*Bandit and Laddie.
*Watching Elvis Presley on the TV while eating M&M's and my tooth fell out.
*Going to the Mennen Picnics.
*Having a flute glued to my face and dreaming of being in an orchestra.
*Mrs. Green (the math teacher) letting us make Mickey Mouse faces using the compass.
*Moving into my first college dorm room.
*How beautiful the day was when I went to orientation and the excitement that we all felt starting our new adventure of college life.
*Practically living in the practice room.
*The house on Seaman street with the dogwood tree outside my window.
*Spring Break 1996.
*May 11, 1996.
*Freshness, newness, exciting, happiness.
*Sept 3, 1999
*First apartment together, the colors and borders in the dining room--laughing that the color was called coffee and making stupid mormon jokes about it.
*Disney World and the bats
*Driving to Mt. Rushmore, the music museums, the ghetto pioneer car museum, the corn palace, taking pictures of random mileage markers whie driving.
*Re-doing the kitchen, washing dishes in the bathroom sink, the elders arguing about how to lay the tile, the granite people almost dropping the countertop, Tommy putting in the cabinets with us.
*Driving around and looking at the Christmas lights.
*August 5, 2006.
Oh how I wish that things felt fresh and new, exciting and unencumbered. Free, carefree, and without a worry in the world.