Sunday, October 12, 2008

Press Forward, Be Valiant, and Over-Blog

So, I woke up with Press Forwards Saints stuck firmly in my head---funny how God works sometimes. It's a great hymn: Press forward Saints, with steadfast faith in Christ. Not always an easy thing to do but nonetheless it's the trying that really matters I suppose. I've come to realize that I'm a good person but not very valiant, although I think I'm getting better at that. There was a time when I would see an injustice and not have the courage to stand up and say 'dude, that is so wrong' but, maybe it comes with age, nowadays I speak my mind--I think more people need to speak their minds when things aren't going quite right. The world has conditioned us to be 'tolerant' and 'open-minded' etc...but those ideals have also stripped us of our courage to speak up for truth and righteousness. I'm not talking about homosexuality or anything like that--I'm talking about forgiveness. There are several people in my life that seriously need to forgive others for their offenses. I've tried to talk to them but I fear that my 'butting in' will damage my relationship with them--it's a fine line. I got the prompting (about 6 months ago) to give an article to my friend called 'The Peril of Wedges"...I'm going to bring it to work with me on Tuesday, I just hope that she doesn't get offended because lets face it, she's highly emotional and loses her temper quite I think I'm right to be nervous but I just know that this article is going to strike a cord with her. So.....that's an attempt of mine to be valiant and courageous---to give her what she needs even though she might not want to hear it. (Yeah, I know 6 months late!) Eek! That's scary! I guess since I have to wait up until 1:30 to take my medication it's made me quite the chatty Kathy tonight. Well, if you can stand the randomness of my thoughts--and that one day they'll be all spiritual and the next I could be talking about John getting thrown up on again by the dog--well you can handle just about anything.

1 comment:

emily said...

Boo for dog barf and scary conversations!! I can't believe you've been stalking me....that is so awesome!!! lol...I love the fancy shmancy blog layout...mine is still boring