Sunday, November 16, 2008

New found respect for computer tech guys

So, we've all been there...the computer acts up and call the computer gurus at Dell. They talk you through all the annoying steps and processes that could possibly fix your computer, sometimes they can even hack into your computer and you can watch the mystery man open files etc...and viola or poof (whichever you prefer) computer is magically fixed.

Well, my computer guru has been on the phone for 90 minutes now trying to help his mom, who lives in Puerto Rico, somehow fix whatever is wrong with her computer. It has not been an easy 90 minutes. It sounds like he's almost done talking her through this last ditch attempt so *cross your fingers* that he will finally be able to hang up the guru hat and get ready to come to bed. Nope, it didn't work--he's fried.

They really should pay those tech guys some buko-bucks for all the trouble they go through.

How do you spell buko? boko? bouko? idk.


Richie said...

Maybe it's two words, "boo coo."

Anonymous said...

from the censored urban dictionary:

1. buko

much; a lot

"but thats cause he has buko bucks yo."

:) "Yo!"

Anonymous said...

sorry John, I fat fingered the keyboard and hit enter before I could put my name on...

John and Kathy said...

I just thought that we had a secret admirer...
