Monday, January 12, 2009


So, if you knew that something was going to happen---for sure, no if, and's, or but's about it, you knew that something was going to happen and all you had to do were four simple things that you do (or should be doing) already....wouldn't you want to make sure that you were ready?

Here's my frustration....I teach in a school that was visited by the Superintendent (and his croonies) in September and on a scale of 0-4, rated our school a 1.9. Why such a low score? 4 reasons: 1. Lesson plans were not done using the district template. 2. No one had Data Binders (or they weren't in a visible location). 3. Objectives and essential questions were not written on the board. 4. Bulletin Boards did not have current student work on them.

So at the moment, all of you are thinking--well duh just do those four things! Exactly. EXACTLY! 4 little things that would ensure that we received a 3 point something. My principal has given extensive training on the first three (last one is really a no brainer) and has checked over and over again to make sure we are doing them. Today we get a notice from her stating that people are still NOT writing their objectives and essential questions on the board. YOU'RE KIDDING ME!!! We all know that the Super' is coming back sometime this month---we know fact the principal said that he's coming THIS WEEK!! THIS WEEK and people still aren't doing their job???????? Come on...where is your school pride? Do you want us to get another failing report? Do you want people to think that our school stinks? I'm so mad. I actually went off at the faculty meeting about it (little embarrassed about that) but I'm so incredibly dumb founded that we know what we have to do to get a good report and we're not doing it. That's pathetic. I could never be an administrator, it would kill me to see people not doing what I've told them to do over and over and over and over again.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Sorry, I'm a little behind the times, I just saw this, but tell me again, what's the teachers incentive for doing a good job at your school? You can't compensate them financially (like a bonus or higher pay) and they can't lose their jobs if they have tenure. So what's the motivation (he asks innocently)..