Friday, October 17, 2008

The Ceremonial Chair Throwing Ritual, Crying Kindergartners, and Continuous Motion

8:53 am: Ah...what a perfect day for such a lovely ceremony. The Band played so-so today and at dismissal I was then treated to a trumpeteer and saxophonist exchanging the ritualistic curse words that usually preceed the chair throwing ceremony and they performed beautifully--such colorful language made me blush... So they throw a chair at each other and then tackle one another to the ground---oh what a glorious morning. Can you believe that I was stupid enough to try and stop the ceremony? How could I!

10:55 am: Every Friday I have my crier...yep every Friday. Why does he cry you ask? Because I'm so mean and rotten that he can't always go first--so basically he throws a crying tantrum. Well today was only slightly different in the fact that I did absolutely nothing that required people to go first, last etc... nothing and yet---he's a cryin'. Oy vey.

2:26 pm: After me running my last kindergarten class of the day like a non-stop train because they can't handle even a second of transition time one of my four discipline problems starts to meltdown. Ah...4 more minutes left to class--why, why, why!!! Grr. Can I call out on Fridays from 10:30-11:15 and 1:45-2:30?

Seriously, is it a full moon?

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