Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chicken Little, Excuses, and Rotten Odds

So my excuse is that I was really busy this morning, that I just didn't have the time to print out that article and give it to her....the reality is that if I wasn't such a chicken little I would've had it printed out before I left the house and I could've just handed it to her when I saw her this morning. I'm a loser.

So in the grand scheme of things 4 million seems like a lot...I'd love to have 4 million dollars, 4 million lottery tickets, 4 million pieces of chocolate--a size 4 million pair of pants to put on after eating all that chocolate--4 millions a rather large number, but in certain aspects of life the number 4 million totally stinks. Make that number into a ratio of 4 million to 3 well than wow, a complete and utter waste of time and once again high hopes crushed into nothingness. I'm really trying to keep my chin, not to despair--follow the council of the prophets and continue to hope, hope in Christ and hope for the best but I have to say....this totally stinks.

1 comment:

emily said...

i totally understand all the anxiety that goes along with approaching someone...i mean i get that anxious and nervous just thinking about raising my hand in class!! good luck!